Three Reasons to Hire a Coach
Hiring a Personal Trainer or a fitness Coach is always “the thing” at the beginning of a new year but there are so many other types of coaches that you can engage with.
For example, a business coach, a life coach, a nutritional coach, relationship coaching, etc. In my opinion everyone should have a coach and perhaps even different types of coaches at different times in your life. As a Health Coach (Nutritional and Personal Training Coach), there are three reasons to hire a coach – accountability, growth, and fast-tracked results.
I don’t know about you, but my intrinsic motivation waivers daily and even sometimes by the hour. A coach will hold you accountable. They will work with you to help you develop a plan with realistic goals and objectives, including deadlines and action steps. Your coach will help you with your “self-sabotage” habits and behaviors to modify your thoughts, actions, and emotions. Your coach is then someone who provides support, encouragement and motivation while checking in regularly to make sure you staying on track. A good coach is invested in YOUR success.
Growth will typically happen over time but with a coach that will be accelerated. Through the art of asking questions, you may uncover opportunities you had not even thought of nor could have potentially by yourself. This process will reveal additional inspired ideas of HOW you might pursue and achieve your goals. You will discover the inspiration you did not know existed within you. Growth happens when you get out of your comfort zone which changes your mind set by introduction of a new perspective. A coach is your cheerleader by providing invaluable, unbiased feedback on your progress.
Lastly, fast-tracked results. With a coach you have hired someone who’s been there. Because coaches have the experience to get you to where you want to be, they have a clear perspective of what you’re doing and what you shouldn’t be doing. Hit your goals with the minimum of fuss. Save time and most likely money even though you’re spending money to hire a coach. A good coach is going to give you the tools, tips, suggestions and directions you need to address your biggest roadblocks and work past them faster than you would on your own.
If you feel like you’ve been a hamster on a wheel, running in place, then hiring a coach to help you break out of that tailspin might be the best choice for you. A coach can help you to leverage the best qualities of YOU, support your goal to live your best life and to be the best version of you. So, if you want more for yourself and believe you deserve the best, then consider hiring a coach to help you. You can find the right coach by identifying WHAT you want to work on and searching for a coach specializing in that area—for example, a career coach, a life coach, or a Health coach like me.